So I was on a train after I had went to the doctor for an analysis of a potential Lyme disease condition I might have (which is neither here or there) and I couldn't help but notice those shiny new N line trains the city had just purchased for tens of millions of doll-hairs ($). At first the idea seemed good, makes sense. They have digital displays that tell you which station you are on and what's coming up (in real time). A little in-flight entertainment system style TV display next to that, which seemed to only display "Listen to Train Crew for Announcement" the whole ride.

I am a fan of shiny new things like a lot of people are and was a bit impressed at first, i mean we're not exactly catching with Japan here, but hey it's a start. I got off the train at a decrepit shit hole excuse for a subway station (one of many) called 86th Street in Brooklyn and instantly boiled up with anger as the smell of fermenting urine in humid weather hit my nostrils. So as I wait and watch water dripping off stalagmites and observe how much peeling paint is all over the ceiling i start to think whose brilliant idea were these trains? I understand the

whole riding in comfort thing but what the hell was wrong with the trains before? The air conditioning worked fine and the interior wasn't too dirty. Fine by my standards. Why are we playing lets catch Japan when our train stations look like a barbarian outhouse? Why is so much money being wasted on this, what is the point? In case i don't know where I am? In case a tourist doesn't know where the train is heading when hundreds of signs and maps all over the station tell you? Maybe that tourist is too stupid to be traveling in the first place. I got a few ideas that money would have been better off

spent on, like keeping the subway stations clean! Things like, having cell phone service in the tunnels, maybe not the whole tunnel but the underground stations could have been a plus. The point is it's careless spending and when all is said and done, the MTA will again increase fares and continue to make minimal improvements to the stations outside Manhattan. For the record, Russia's subway stations are clean and are made of marble. And we, the richest country in the world.. [fart sound]

And on an unrelated note, thanks again Mayor Bloomberg for raising cigarette taxes you old mook! I hope a fucking crane falls on your limo. So screw you Mr.Mayor i am not paying it, in fact I could tolerate the $6.75 average price of a pack but now i am not going to pay any tax at all and get my cigarettes for $4. Thank for creating a black market. (At least the guy is not getting paid for his mayoral position)
seriously bro? you have a blog?