The Mall of the Americas in Miami, Florida is now easily my favorite mall in the world and I have never even set foot in it. It gained this distinct honor because of this incident:

Fonsy seems really concerned about his kids...really?
Also the cops confiscated the plants but they are not currently investigating who the plants belong to? What can we gather from that? Its basically back on the streets for all intensive purposes.
I don't see why reefer is such big deal, It has been tested extensively over the last ten years (and that is by me alone) and they can't seem to figure out how it is harmful to anybody. I think it would improve our society tremendously if we could just let "the reefer madness" mentality go by the wayside. I'm looking at you, red states.
Here is a list of some of the states that take Marijuana offenses WAY TOO seriously:
Iowa: 6 months in Jail for any amount. (first offense)
Indiana: Under 30g could be as much as a year in jail, over 30g could get you as much as 3 years (first offense)
Kansas: A year in Jail for any amount (first offense)
Utah: 6 months in jail for less than an Oz. and you could get your driver's Lcense suspended.
Montana: 6 Month in Jail for anthing under 60g, a subsequent offense gets you 3 years.
Kentucky: Less than 8oz. is a year in the slammer, more than 8oz. can get you upwards of 5 years.
Luckily all these states suck and I can't see why anyone would voluntarily visit them. But if your driving through them, make sure you stash your goods more better!
The one Place that stands out in the US is Puerto Rico, its not even a state but if you get caught with weed be prepared to spend the next three years in jail! Due to the fact that marijuana possesion is a felony and not a misdemeanor, that is mind blowing, (not the good kind) even getting caught with paraphenelia is 3 years. If I was living in Puerto Rico, I would totally rebel. They can't vote in the presidential election and their marijuana laws are the stiffest in the country, how is that fair? I understand the US Gov't is trying to keep it out of the country and they probably rationalize the stiff penalty by saying that marijuana traffickers come to the US through Puerto Rico, but its obviously not working since we have plenty of sweet cannibus in the mainland.
So to all you Puerto Ricans out there, I say: "No incarceration without representation!" Go all Che Guevera on the DEA's sorry ass!

Ohh...Plus there is this interesting piece of news:
This Picture definitely gives Sushi a lot more sex appeal!



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