Best Attorney Ad, this side of Johnny Cochran:

We need more Attorneys like her in this world. She is Honest, Understands that people have the right to smoke weed (even on probation) and She is easy on the eyes. If we had more attorneys like her throughout the Country, Weed would be decriminalized in the US in no time. This past election two more states (Massachussets and Michigan) decriminalized the possesion of small amounts of marijuana. That brings that grand total up to 14. The other states include: Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Ohio and Oregon. Hopefully with a president who possesses some sembelence of Logic and common sense, The US can completely decriminalize Marijuana and Legalize Industrial Hemp. Those two things will go along way in salvaging our economy anfd the planet as a whole!

Check out her Blog for more dope observations.



  1. keep dreaming and you would not smell the coffee.
    do you know that projected life expectancy for today's youth is much less than their parents?
    because of all this junk( drugs- weed and big mac included). Get smarter.

  2. I would never eat a big mac, phooey! That shit is straight up awful! Weed on the other hand has never harmed a soul.

