These are the REAL Closing Ceremonies!
The story of the 2008 Olympics told through art of Photography:

Is this Russian High Jumper High or something?

I am sure the Chinese have a Cure for that, Right?

Its only funny until somebody gets hurt...then its Hilarious!

My Money is on the Fat Guy!

Would you feel better if I rub one out on you...I mean rub out the cramp for you.

Note to Self: Don't go Binge drinking before a marathon.

I guess all the cubby holes were taken.

Look Ma...No Hands!

Sandy Snatch enjoys a day at the beach.

So, I sez to myself, what would Mike Tyson do in this situation?

The Green matches my Taint.

Nothing says World Unity like hot Asian chicks and I must add that those are some very happy drunken Dutchmen!
I am a little short on rent this month, can I live in between you two?
You think their toes are curled now, wait till I am through with them!
The Brazilians Wax lives up to its name once again! On a side note, I would gladly eat paella out of both of their butt cracks!
She is either taking a dump or trying to add wind Resistance in hopes of sabotaging her team. Oh, those crazy Germans...Das Dumper!!!
If you had a Greek Water Polo player in "The Exposed Titty Office Pool" then congrats to you sir or madam.
U are funny!