Here we go again. For those of you who have not read the "New Trains, Decrepit Stations" post, I'll sum it up for you. The MTA bought new trains for the New York City subway system, while the stations here in New York City, look like outhouses for bums. And i had called them out on it saying that the MTA is always misappropriating funds on stupid things. So today on the news, they had a story on how the MTA is looking to slash $2.5 Million dollars off their budget (probably because of buying all those new trains) and it has two options. The first option which is probably the more obvious one for you to guess, is to raise fares once again. And option two (which is the option they are most likely going to run with, because at this point they probably realize that no one wants to hear another story about rising prices) is to abandon 18 station renovation projects. So in final summation, the MTA are just a bunch of overpaid tards. It doesn't take a genius to realize that all those new trains were uncalled for and you bastards got called out on it. You wanna slash $2.5 million of the budget? How about firing a couple of assholes responsible for making these decisions. I bet you guys would save a few million right off the bat. You better not raise the fares again. It doesn't seem reasonable paying more than $2.50 to stand in urine while the smell of ammonia burns up your nostrils as if you were working in a pig pen at you local farm. In fact the farm would pay you, you wouldn't have to pay them $2.50 to stand in filth. And I would like to ask our readers to comment and let us know what conditions you local train stations are in (Londoners need not to chime in, I am quite familiar with the station conditions in your area, thumbs up!) Oh yea, and how about getting one of those countdown clocks that counts down (to the second) when the next arriving train should be expected (that is in every station) that the British have in London, here in New York.



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