Here at Tranceponder we are avid reefer indulgers. So, in order to educate the uninformed consumers in the audiance, we will occasionally use this medium to rate various products that we may have some expertise in. The next time you go to you local head shop make sure to consult this handy guide.

Honerable Mention:

A Bong made out of Bamboo, I bet she's a fine apparatus. Plus, after your high try saying Bamboo Bong as fast as you can five times. I bet you can't do it. Told you so.


I am a big proponent of using household items in order to build bongs, this is a fine example of ingenuity and recycling. After you drink some vodka, what can be more fun then drilling a hole through two inches of glass and finding the perfect slide bowl to create this masterpiece. "Build a Bong, Save the Planet"


The Double Barrell Bong, Double your pleasure, Double your Fun!


If you want to get really blitzed, a gas mask is fool-proof. Fairly easy to construct and very effective. You may need to make a trip to the Army/Navy store in order to find the appropriatte equipment.


The Vaporizer is the ultimate device, if you happen to be a health-concious tree head. This magical machine heats up the weed to a point where the only thing you inhale is vapor. The Vaporizer emits no smoke, turns Shwag into gold and is fairly easy to use. Its only downfall is a hefty pricetag.


The BeaverBong!! I am not sure how effective it is, but who gives a Sh*t, its a Bong that works with the female anatomy, instead of against it. This is possibly the greatest invention since the Internet. I will not rest till i have personally takin a bong hit out of a girls cooch. If there are any females out there willing to allow me to fullfill my dream please send an email to with the following information:
Name, Picture, Date of Birth, Breast Size, Waist Size, your favorite Cartoon Character, a description of what you smell like and weather you are suseptible to any diseases.
Thank You in Advance.
Contributing Satirist and Womanizer



  1. In regards to the vodka bottle bong, isn't the fact of recycling offset by the CO2 and Carbon Monoxide emissions of the bong?

    1. Really? Your worried about the CO2 and carbon monoxide that is the least of anyone worries at that point in time they are worried about the fact they are smoking a bong from a vagina

