Lets take a look at Bailout Gate from a Historical perspective. In 1980, a far more competent republican, Ronald Reagan was in a similar situation:
The 1980 Chrysler bailout, which was nationally debated for months before happening, cost $3.2 billion, in present-value dollars, and was financed by revenue rather than by borrowing. Here is the borrowing that's occurred in 2008 alone, with precious little public debate:
• $29 billion to bail out Bear Stearns.
• $40 billion in the first mortgage-holder bailout.
• $80 billion for an additional year of Iraq war operations. (Another $150-$200 billion in war costs such as future veterans' disability benefits were incurred but not funded.)
• Up to $85 billion to bail out AIG.
• $153 billion to households for "economic stimulus."
• $200 billion, and possibly more, to bail out Fannie and Freddie.
• $290 billion in farm subsidies, despite agricultural prices and grains profits being at record highs.
• $700 billion general bailout of securities backed by bad debt. (This figure could balloon up to 1 Trillion.)
That comes to
$1.6 trillion Doll-Hairs!

Why are the young not furious? Well, because they are too ignorant to be furious due to "No child left behind." $700 billion is about to the gift-wrapped to the Wall Street elite -- in 2007, George W. Bush vetoed an increase of $7 billion per year in health care spending for the poor, saying the country couldn't afford it.
Yup, We are doomed!

On the bright side, the Bush presidency was so atrocious that Oliver Stone was able to make a movie about it before W even left office. I believe that has to be a record of some sort. Has any standing President had a feature film released about him before he even got the chance to pardon all his criminal cronies? My research indicates no. Here is the trailer:



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