Many of you are wondering, what can this solution possibly be?
Well, it is closely related to something you may find in your teenager’s sock drawer or wafting through the atmosphere at a Rock/Hip-Hop concert.
Still confused?
In that case the answer is HEMP!
Many of you may be thinking that I am just some spaced out libertarian who wants Marijuana to be legalized, so that we can all live in harmony.
Well, if you thought that your totally right, good job!
On to the matter at hand, Industrial Hemp has been grown all over the world for thousands of years. It was used to make food, rope, clothing, fuel, Soap, Insulation, Biodegradable plastic and Paper for most of recorded history. In fact, the first Canvas bags were made solely out of hemp, the word Canvas is derived from Cannabis. You guys see the similarity? I certainly hope so.
Hemp use dates back to the Stone Age, with hemp fiber imprints found in pottery shards in China and Taiwan over 10,000 years old. These ancient Asians also used the same fibers to make clothes, shoes, ropes, and an early form of paper
In late Medieval Germany and Italy, hemp was employed in cooked dishes, as filing in pies or boiled in a soup.
Christopher Columbus even used Hemp Ropes on the ships that sailed across the Atlantic and eventually discovered the New World (The Americas).
Hemp was a staple of the Colonial Economy and the founding fathers were big proponents of the plant. The First United States flag was sewn from Hemp and the first US Constitution was written on Hemp paper.
Here is a look at the role Hemp played during the early years of the United States:
Major General, George Washington, hero and first president of the United States, cultivated hemp as a crop on his farm Thomas Jefferson the principal author of the American Declaration of independence which he drafted on hemp paper, was the third president of the United States. He cultivated hemp as a crop as well. Benjamin Franklin started the first American paper mill, which made paper exclusively from hemp.
Hemp played a huge role in World War two as well. Uniforms, canvas, and rope were among the main textiles created from the hemp plant at this time. Much of the hemp used was planted in Kentucky, Wisconsin and various places throughout the Midwest. There was even a film called “Hemp for Victory,” made during WWII that encouraged farmers to grow as much Hemp as possible in order to help supplement the lose of Manila Hemp which was mostly imported from Japanese controlled territories prior to the war.
Well, if you thought that your totally right, good job!
On to the matter at hand, Industrial Hemp has been grown all over the world for thousands of years. It was used to make food, rope, clothing, fuel, Soap, Insulation, Biodegradable plastic and Paper for most of recorded history. In fact, the first Canvas bags were made solely out of hemp, the word Canvas is derived from Cannabis. You guys see the similarity? I certainly hope so.
Hemp use dates back to the Stone Age, with hemp fiber imprints found in pottery shards in China and Taiwan over 10,000 years old. These ancient Asians also used the same fibers to make clothes, shoes, ropes, and an early form of paper

In late Medieval Germany and Italy, hemp was employed in cooked dishes, as filing in pies or boiled in a soup.
Christopher Columbus even used Hemp Ropes on the ships that sailed across the Atlantic and eventually discovered the New World (The Americas).
Hemp was a staple of the Colonial Economy and the founding fathers were big proponents of the plant. The First United States flag was sewn from Hemp and the first US Constitution was written on Hemp paper.
Here is a look at the role Hemp played during the early years of the United States:
Major General, George Washington, hero and first president of the United States, cultivated hemp as a crop on his farm Thomas Jefferson the principal author of the American Declaration of independence which he drafted on hemp paper, was the third president of the United States. He cultivated hemp as a crop as well. Benjamin Franklin started the first American paper mill, which made paper exclusively from hemp.
Hemp played a huge role in World War two as well. Uniforms, canvas, and rope were among the main textiles created from the hemp plant at this time. Much of the hemp used was planted in Kentucky, Wisconsin and various places throughout the Midwest. There was even a film called “Hemp for Victory,” made during WWII that encouraged farmers to grow as much Hemp as possible in order to help supplement the lose of Manila Hemp which was mostly imported from Japanese controlled territories prior to the war.
Hemp provided US troops with supplies that potentially helped them overcome the Axis forces. But, the US government now treats it as an evil pariah. Hypocrisy at its BEST! The United States Government is the reigning king of Hypocrisy, we do it better then anyone.
Now that we have an idea where Hemp started, let us take a look at where we are now and where it is headed.
Hemp is currently illegal to grow in the united states, although due to a recent Supreme Court ruling, we are able to bring in hemp from other countries, notably Canada. It is interesting to note that the United States is the only country in the whole world where hemp is outlawed. The reason it is outlawed is simply preposterous. The DEA argues that since it has trace amounts of THC, thus making it a controlled substance. Experts in the field, however, know this is bullshit because that trace amount is less than 0.3%. not enough to get someone high, even if they smoked a whole acre of it. Most of the marijuana that is consumed for recreational or medicinal purposes has somewhere between 10% and 24% THC Content. Depending on how good your stash is. The DEA also argued that if Hemp was legalized people would try to grow Marijuana in the hemp fields. This demonstrates how utterly stupid the DEA is, if someone were to plant regular Cannabis Sativa in a Hemp field, the two plants would cross pollinate rendering the Sativa strain useless because it would not be able to get enough nutrients to survive. Hiding marijuana in a hemp field would create a variety of problems. One is, the dense hemp would most likely "choke out" the marijuana, taking valuable and necessary nutrients and sunlight that the marijuana needs to produce THC. Even more, the male hemp plants would fertilize the marijuana plants, which would have several side effects. First, the marijuana would produce seeds, quickly lowering its value. Energy growing seeds quickly diminishes THC content. More importantly, the fertilization essentially crossbreeds the hemp and marijuana. While the hemp will not produce any more THC, the marijuana, which was tainted by the Hemp, will produce significantly less THC. If marijuana was successfully hidden and grown in a hemp field, the resulting plant matter would be of very little street value. It would be full of seeds and stems (because of fertilization), be malnourished (because hemp, like a strong weed, sucks up nutrients and grows taller, taking the available sun), and above all, have a very low THC content, making it undesirable to even the indiscriminate marijuana users. This demonstrates that the DEA is stupid and ignorant because they don’t even research the results of what they are warning the courts about. Dee Tee Dee!
Thankfully, there are some judges with common sense in this country and as of a few years ago, products containing THC are now allowed to be sold in stores. Lets take a look at how the DEA was bitch-slaped for being a bunch fools:
On February 6, 2004, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a unanimous decision in favor of the HIA (hemp Industries of America) in which Judge Betty Fletcher wrote, "The DEA cannot regulate naturally-occurring THC not contained within or derived from marijuana-i.e. non-psychoactive hemp is not included in Schedule I. The DEA has no authority to regulate drugs that are not scheduled, and it has not followed procedures required to schedule a substance. The DEA's definition of "THC" contravenes the unambiguously expressed intent of Congress in the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) and cannot be upheld."
I applaud Judge Fletcher for standing up to the bullies in the DEA, I would not be surprised if she got fired or killed. The DEA is that ruthless.
Anyhow, lets move on to the problem at hand, the Energy Crisis that looms over America. Even if more offshore drilling is approved, it still only a temporary solution and it still does significant damage to the environment. We cannot rely on oil for the rest of this century, because even the Middle East will eventually run dry. We need an alternative fuel source which is renewable, doesn’t damage the environment and is easy to produce. Hemp can be used as fuel and it is very effective as a fuel source. Hemp produces more energy per acre per year than corn, sugar, flax, or any other crop currently grown for ethanol or bio diesel. That is saying a lot because Brazil is currently using Sugar cane as an alternative every source and it is very effective. Brazil has drastically cut down its need for importing fuel because locally grown sugar cane takes care of a large portion of their fuel needs. I have linked an article about this subject, in case some of you are skeptical:
The advantages of using Hemp as a bio-diesel fuel are amazing. Hemp can basically grow anywhere in the world, even cold climates. It does very little damage to the soil that it grows in and in fact, some say that mulch made out of hemp is actually beneficial to the soil. Hemp produces a higher than average amount of oxygen when compared to most plants. Hemp can be grown free of pesticides and other chemicals because bugs are not really attracted to the plant. Hemp plants take roughly four months to mature as apposed to trees, which usually take 20 years to fully mature. Hemp is more potent as a fuel than any other naturally occurring substance, as far as we know besides Oil. Hemp can also stem the growing global food shortage that is affecting many third world countries. Hemp can be used in a variety of foods and can also help people who are allergic to such substances as Lactose, Wheat or Peanuts.
Hemp seeds contains beneficial omega fatty acids, amino acids, and minerals. The seeds can be eaten raw, ground into a meal, sprouted, made into milk, prepared as tea, and used in baking. The fresh leaves can also be eaten in salads. Products include cereals, frozen waffles, hemp tofu and butters. Hemp seed also contains 20% complete and highly-digestible protein Cold-pressed hemp seed oil is nutritionally superior to olive or flax oil, and so, makes a great alternative in salads, smoothies, and other non-frying uses. Since I am not a food critic, I’ll leave it to the experts but from what I understand Hemp Milk tastes better than Soy Milk or Rice Milk and it doesn’t contain any unwanted estrogen. Just take a look at the nutritional values:
•A perfect one-to-three ratio of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids.
•All 10 essential amino acids.

Hemp is currently illegal to grow in the united states, although due to a recent Supreme Court ruling, we are able to bring in hemp from other countries, notably Canada. It is interesting to note that the United States is the only country in the whole world where hemp is outlawed. The reason it is outlawed is simply preposterous. The DEA argues that since it has trace amounts of THC, thus making it a controlled substance. Experts in the field, however, know this is bullshit because that trace amount is less than 0.3%. not enough to get someone high, even if they smoked a whole acre of it. Most of the marijuana that is consumed for recreational or medicinal purposes has somewhere between 10% and 24% THC Content. Depending on how good your stash is. The DEA also argued that if Hemp was legalized people would try to grow Marijuana in the hemp fields. This demonstrates how utterly stupid the DEA is, if someone were to plant regular Cannabis Sativa in a Hemp field, the two plants would cross pollinate rendering the Sativa strain useless because it would not be able to get enough nutrients to survive. Hiding marijuana in a hemp field would create a variety of problems. One is, the dense hemp would most likely "choke out" the marijuana, taking valuable and necessary nutrients and sunlight that the marijuana needs to produce THC. Even more, the male hemp plants would fertilize the marijuana plants, which would have several side effects. First, the marijuana would produce seeds, quickly lowering its value. Energy growing seeds quickly diminishes THC content. More importantly, the fertilization essentially crossbreeds the hemp and marijuana. While the hemp will not produce any more THC, the marijuana, which was tainted by the Hemp, will produce significantly less THC. If marijuana was successfully hidden and grown in a hemp field, the resulting plant matter would be of very little street value. It would be full of seeds and stems (because of fertilization), be malnourished (because hemp, like a strong weed, sucks up nutrients and grows taller, taking the available sun), and above all, have a very low THC content, making it undesirable to even the indiscriminate marijuana users. This demonstrates that the DEA is stupid and ignorant because they don’t even research the results of what they are warning the courts about. Dee Tee Dee!
Thankfully, there are some judges with common sense in this country and as of a few years ago, products containing THC are now allowed to be sold in stores. Lets take a look at how the DEA was bitch-slaped for being a bunch fools:
On February 6, 2004, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a unanimous decision in favor of the HIA (hemp Industries of America) in which Judge Betty Fletcher wrote, "The DEA cannot regulate naturally-occurring THC not contained within or derived from marijuana-i.e. non-psychoactive hemp is not included in Schedule I. The DEA has no authority to regulate drugs that are not scheduled, and it has not followed procedures required to schedule a substance. The DEA's definition of "THC" contravenes the unambiguously expressed intent of Congress in the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) and cannot be upheld."
I applaud Judge Fletcher for standing up to the bullies in the DEA, I would not be surprised if she got fired or killed. The DEA is that ruthless.
Anyhow, lets move on to the problem at hand, the Energy Crisis that looms over America. Even if more offshore drilling is approved, it still only a temporary solution and it still does significant damage to the environment. We cannot rely on oil for the rest of this century, because even the Middle East will eventually run dry. We need an alternative fuel source which is renewable, doesn’t damage the environment and is easy to produce. Hemp can be used as fuel and it is very effective as a fuel source. Hemp produces more energy per acre per year than corn, sugar, flax, or any other crop currently grown for ethanol or bio diesel. That is saying a lot because Brazil is currently using Sugar cane as an alternative every source and it is very effective. Brazil has drastically cut down its need for importing fuel because locally grown sugar cane takes care of a large portion of their fuel needs. I have linked an article about this subject, in case some of you are skeptical:
The advantages of using Hemp as a bio-diesel fuel are amazing. Hemp can basically grow anywhere in the world, even cold climates. It does very little damage to the soil that it grows in and in fact, some say that mulch made out of hemp is actually beneficial to the soil. Hemp produces a higher than average amount of oxygen when compared to most plants. Hemp can be grown free of pesticides and other chemicals because bugs are not really attracted to the plant. Hemp plants take roughly four months to mature as apposed to trees, which usually take 20 years to fully mature. Hemp is more potent as a fuel than any other naturally occurring substance, as far as we know besides Oil. Hemp can also stem the growing global food shortage that is affecting many third world countries. Hemp can be used in a variety of foods and can also help people who are allergic to such substances as Lactose, Wheat or Peanuts.
Hemp seeds contains beneficial omega fatty acids, amino acids, and minerals. The seeds can be eaten raw, ground into a meal, sprouted, made into milk, prepared as tea, and used in baking. The fresh leaves can also be eaten in salads. Products include cereals, frozen waffles, hemp tofu and butters. Hemp seed also contains 20% complete and highly-digestible protein Cold-pressed hemp seed oil is nutritionally superior to olive or flax oil, and so, makes a great alternative in salads, smoothies, and other non-frying uses. Since I am not a food critic, I’ll leave it to the experts but from what I understand Hemp Milk tastes better than Soy Milk or Rice Milk and it doesn’t contain any unwanted estrogen. Just take a look at the nutritional values:
•A perfect one-to-three ratio of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids.
•All 10 essential amino acids.
•4 grams of digestible protein.
•Essential Vitamins A, B12, D, E, Riboflavin and Folic Acid.
•Essential minerals: magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, iron, zinc.
•46 percent of RDA of calcium
That sounds pretty healthy to me. Plus has anyone ever tried Pot Brownies, simply Delicious in my opinion. From what I understand, Hemp seeds are healthier than soy, they taste better and they have more uses. That sounds like an all around winner to me. Plus, the hemp food industry has grown 300% in the last year. If only American farmers were able to benefit from this growth. Instead farmers in North Dakota sit in fear of the DEA destroying their crops, even though the state legislature allowed them to grow it and issued permits to farmers who applied for them. As illustrated here:
In conclusion the Energy and Food crisis we are currently experiencing is very solvable. In fact we could kill two birds with one seed (no pun intended) but unfortunately the government is too busy protecting the the synthetic-fiber, wood pulp, petrochemical, and pharmochemical industries. The same industries which are poisoning our environment and atmosphere on a daily basis.
I will leave you with one last quote from Jack Herer, Author of “The Emperor wears no Clothes.”
If all fossil fuels and their derivatives, as well as trees for paper and construction were banned in order to save the planet, reverse the Greenhouse effect and stop deforestation; then there is only one known annually renewable natural resource that is capable of providing the overall majority of the world's paper and textiles meet all of the world's transportation, industrial and home energy needs, while simultaneously reducing pollution, rebuilding the soil, and cleaning the atmosphere all at the same time... and that substance is -- the same one that did it all before -- Cannabis Hemp... Marijuana!
If this story effected you at all, please visit the following website and tell your local representatives how you feel. It is still “We the people….” Is it not?
•Essential Vitamins A, B12, D, E, Riboflavin and Folic Acid.
•Essential minerals: magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, iron, zinc.
•46 percent of RDA of calcium

In conclusion the Energy and Food crisis we are currently experiencing is very solvable. In fact we could kill two birds with one seed (no pun intended) but unfortunately the government is too busy protecting the the synthetic-fiber, wood pulp, petrochemical, and pharmochemical industries. The same industries which are poisoning our environment and atmosphere on a daily basis.
I will leave you with one last quote from Jack Herer, Author of “The Emperor wears no Clothes.”
If all fossil fuels and their derivatives, as well as trees for paper and construction were banned in order to save the planet, reverse the Greenhouse effect and stop deforestation; then there is only one known annually renewable natural resource that is capable of providing the overall majority of the world's paper and textiles meet all of the world's transportation, industrial and home energy needs, while simultaneously reducing pollution, rebuilding the soil, and cleaning the atmosphere all at the same time... and that substance is -- the same one that did it all before -- Cannabis Hemp... Marijuana!
If this story effected you at all, please visit the following website and tell your local representatives how you feel. It is still “We the people….” Is it not?
Here is a cool video that summarizes most of what I have said in this Article:
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