This whole gas issue is getting out hand these days. There a lot of moaning and groaning going on in the States about the current condition of the price of gasoline. If you keep in mind that in the UK they are paying what would equate to $9 per gallon and in Turkey to $11 per gallon, the American situation does not seem as bad. (To our readers overseas drop us a comment and let us know what your prices are like.) So for the second day in a row gas prices reportedly dropped and there is some speculation about what this means. In lue of the gas price trends of previous years, and the fact that overall it went up 7.4% since last month, the only conclusion that I can draw from this is that this means nothing. In fact the average price of gasoline in America went from $4.080 to $4.075 per gallon in the last two days (diesel only one tenth of a cent, that's $.001) Holy shit! That a savings (if the price was at a plateau) of a half a cent, which in a year would probably equate to what? I'm not gonna put in the work to do this calculation because everyone's driving habits are different but I would have to assume it would be a around fucking dollar or two, give or take, so.. [fart sound].

Bush and the congress are pushing to lift the ban on offshore drilling. Bush also renewed his demand that Congress allow drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, or ANWR, clear the way for more refineries and encourage efforts to recover oil from shale in areas such as the Green River Basin of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. But how can you be surprised? The Bush administration seems to be good at fucking up things that never needed to be fucked with in the first place. The administration also claims that oil drilling projects manned by Cuba with support from china (oil reserves that stretch from Cuba to Florida), very possibly might begin in the next few years and that we should not let them dip their fingers into our honey. That (one of the few things this administration peddled) I can agree with. It's a little unnerving having an economic steroid growth machine like China investing in their interests off our shores. If China does begin setting this up we need to intercept

their hail mary pass for oil and run it back for a touchdown figuratively speaking. If they plan to create more environmental damage in those waters, then we as American should play our role and do it first. However drilling in the Alaskan reserves is banned for a reason. I don't know if the Bush administration got the memo (you certainly can't tell by their actions) but aren't we supposed to be decreasing our demand for oil and saving the environment rather than increasing demand and continuing to further damage the environment and further saturating our atmosphere with hydrocarbons?

Yea the gas prices are higher than they were in a long time but I wouldn't call it an energy crisis, however I will admit the situation is quite unfavorable. In any event too much complaining about the situation is making the Bush administration panic and make dumb decisions (we all know how well they plan under pressure.) Everyone know this can be a lot worse. A lot of people are complaining that driving is getting too expensive and/or that some people are not able to afford something that they once took for granted. On another note, not everyone needs to drive, and some that need, shouldn't be behind the goddamn wheel. There are

plenty of retards, assholes and maniacs on the road today (Well, maybe not maniacs. Maniacs usually speed.) So to take a few drivers off the road would be good for traffic! Wouldn't it? Think about it, the people that are cheap on gas are probably cheap on everything. Those are the same people that move slow on the highways because they are scared shitless of having to pay a speeding ticket. The solution is simple, if you don't like the price, take the fucking bus. One less driver on the road and one step closer to a cleaner planet. If the Bush administration put as much time, money and effort into renewable energy as they did into pointless wars we would be better off. Instead they treat renewable energy like the hunt for Bin Laden... [fart sound]
buy gas - help economy!
ReplyDeletewhy? price for oil is always in American dollars - so other contries will keep buing the "greens" even if dollar value is less than their own currency to pay for oil,
so it is not energy crises- it is
inflation of american dollar.
for now.
Buy gas, help economy is true. But whose economy are you really helping? Yes inflation does play a big role in the rising prices, however we are at a point where demand has outgrown supply, then decreasing inflation won't necessarily decrease the price of gasoline, at least not for long.