It has come to my attention that hip-hop community is throwing its weight behing Mr. Barack "lightning" Obama. I gave him the moniker of lightning because on a recent excursion to Israel, i was informed that Barack in Hebrew means lightning, so in order help Barack win over the Jewish voting population, I hereby christen (or in this case jewen) him Lightning, which sounds way better than "Hussien" in the middle of his name. The heeb vote is apparently vital to his success, even though it makes up less then 1% of the US population. But who am I to argue straw polls?
Anywho, I digress. Back to the Hip-Hop community realizing that there are alot of haters out there that probably are way too proud to vote for a Halfrican-American. The US is full self-righteous pricks who don't want to see one of their own make it. Trust me, I have asked around. Thus far, there have been two rap songs endorsing Barack "lightning" Obama, the Halfrican-American as the next leader of the free world. My prediction is that by November there will be no less than 12 songs singing the praises of Barack "lightning" Obama. the two songs thus far are pretty good, I must add. One of the songs is by Nas and the other is by Movado. And for your listening pleasure I will link them for you.

Nas-"Black President"

Movado- "We Need Barack"

Contributing Satirist and Womanizer



  1. Luke 10:18
    And he (Jesus) said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.

    Barak = lightning
    Bama = Heights or heaven

  2. You are mistaken.

